Around Town Moving & Delivery

Moving Heavy Boxes: 8 Practical Pointers

The physical labor of picking up and transporting all the boxes is the most difficult aspect of moving from one house to another for the majority of individuals.
Moving entails a lot of lifting, and handling heavy boxes can strain your body to the point that injuries to your spine, neck, and back are likely. Hiring professional Toronto movers can help reduce the strain by providing expert assistance with packing, lifting, and transporting. 
 These are 8 practical pointers for moving bulky boxes.

  1. Create a Plan
    Organise your boxes and make sure you know what has to go where so that you spend your time efficiently and minimize double-handling boxes being put in the wrong room. You can specify the room that each box needs to go to after going around them. You may need to use different strategies to move boxes that are too heavy for you to move yourself, so consider this and make sure you have the required equipment and assistance before you begin.
  2. Get Your Home Ready
    Verify that the spaces are unobstructed and that you are aware of the precise location of the boxes in each room. Additionally, make sure that the entrances and walkways are free of risks to prevent needless injury. Think about the items in each box and the frequency of use. While boxes packed to be kept away may be in less handy locations because you won’t need them as frequently, the boxes containing daily necessities should be simpler to access.
  3. Get Your Body Ready
    Moving and unpacking heavy boxes and furniture can take a toll on your body during and after the move. Before starting, you should stretch and warm up, especially if there is a lot to carry or if you don’t frequently lift such big objects. Your body will appreciate it later, especially the morning after, if you stretch before and after and stay hydrated with lots of water.
  4. Transport Your Boxes Around Your Home
    You can move boxes around your home more quickly and easily if you get a handcart from your neighborhood hardware store. You can load more than one box at once, which will speed up the process. Also, it’s a simple method to get the kids to pitch in!
  5. 5. Heavier Slide Boxes Rather than Lifting
    You can wiggle hefty boxes onto a sheet of material and then just slide them over the floor into the appropriate room if they are too heavy to be lifted onto the handcart. Plastic sheets are ideal if your floors are carpeted since they slide smoothly over the carpet. Use a blanket of some kind if you have hard wooden flooring because it will slide across them and there won’t be much friction.
  6. 7. Employ the Proper Lifting Method
    When carrying big boxes, use the proper technique and posture to preserve your spine and back. To lift the weight, push through your legs and bend your knees when taking up the box. When lifting, it’s crucial to avoid putting too much tension on your back because this might lead to problems.
  7. Put on Safety Shoes
    Accidents that result in injury can still happen even when you are carrying boxes correctly and with the right technique. To keep yourself safe throughout the journey, put on supportive shoes that are completely closed.